First and foremost, I’m a storyteller. Growing up as an actor, training as a singer, and now teaching alongside my performing work, I believe that stories are the most powerful tool that humans have ever created. I believe stories are what changes people, they’re how we grow and learn. And I believe that storytelling has the power to heal or destroy us.

Find my headshots, resumes, and more about my work as a performer here.


I’ve lived a few lives outside of performing and I’ve had a couple of viral moments in my life, you might remember me from:

Go See Ghostbusters Because It Matters

The State of White Women 

White Feelings: 0-60 for Charlottesville

You Are Allowed to Leave

The Girl on the Train


I build bridges and make connections.

Sometimes I write. Topics may change but the heart of it is always storytelling, change through stories, and how we can do better. Pop culture, feminism, representation, performing arts training and communication are common topics I touch on.

Also, I’m pretty nerdy, so don’t be alarmed by the occasional Star Trek reference.

I believe one of the biggest problems we face is that so few of us know how to listen.

See below for some workshops that I’ve taught on topics from on how to speak up for ourselves to how to make space for unheard voices.